How to get Permesso di Soggiorno?
No online procedure… neither during the Covid!
The Permesso di Soggiorno is a “permit to stay” in Italy, all Extra EU citizens need to get for more than 3 months’ stays in Italy.
You have to apply for it within 8 days after your arrival.
It could take also up to 2-3 month to get it.
But if you need to stay in quarantine, don’t go to the Post office before the 2 weeks, you could get a fine up to € 3000!
- Go to a Post office. To find the closest to your apartment, insert the address here
- Collect the papers, you can’t find them online. They are called “Kit giallo” (yellow kit) and they are just in Italian ?
- Fill them and prepare the documents needed
- Bring the papers to a Post office, only where there is “Sportello Amico”, where you see that logo:
- You’ll pay about € 100, they will give you a receipt, it’s a temporary permit of stay
- You’ll arrange with them an appointment with the Questura (police) to get the real Permesso di Soggiorno, it will be a card.
All the details about the Permesso di Soggiorno