Ciao studente! ??
I’m receiving many questions from international students renting my apartments in Milan and from the incoming students about the “Covid procedures” in Milan.
You are right to have some doubts, it was quite hard for me as well to try to find the right answers! ?
I found out some useful information I’d like to share with you! ?
If you are in Milan and you want/need to book the vaccine (can be the booster/3rd dose, or the 1st and 2nd as well), you can do it through Regione Lombardia
⚠️ You have the C.F. but not the “tessera sanitaria” (health card) number?
………No problem!!!
………You should just request to enable your C.F. to book the vaccine also without tessera number.
Once you receive the confirmation via SMS (after 48 h) your C.F. has been validated, you can book the vaccine just inserting your CF
It can happen you don’t receive the SMS, but your C.F. has been validated, so try anyway to book the vaccine ?
? Arriving in Milan and you have doubts like:
? Do I need to stay in quarantine? How long?
? Should I register my arrival in Italy?
? Are my vaccines eligible in Italy?
? How to book a swab test in Milan?
? How to get the Green Pass?
Here you are the latest administrative updates with the answers to these and other questions.
My suggestions to easily get the Covid test in Milan:
– to take a rapid test (test rapido o antigenico): Nuova Farmacia Beretta, Viale Bligny 47, it’s not possible to book it, open everyday from 9 am to 8 pm, tel +39 02 5831 5686,
– to take a Rt PCR test (tampone molecolare): SynLab, Via Simone Martini 22, you can book it here. Tel +39 02 84174409,
In Italy and in Milan we have already got the 3rd dose, just a few positive (due to the massive increase of swab tests!!), mainly without symptoms ??
In Milan everything is open: universities to have classes in presence, all the schools, gyms, theatres, bars, restaurants, clubs…
It’s like normal life, excepted for wearing the masks on the public transports and hospitals.
I hope you found this post interesting and useful!
Thank you
Ottavia –
Useful information about your arrival in Milan