House Rules

House Rules


The 5 most Important NO-s

  1. SEPARATE the WASTE (see “How to separate the waste”) and bring it out daily.
  2. NO SMOKING inside, after 1 time warning, the owner won’t refund you the security deposit.
  3. NO NOISE, the owner won’t refund you the security deposit, if the police is called, the contract is cancelled, or after 1 warning.
  4. NO SUBLET, neither for free, nor if it’s a friend (nobody can stay in the apartment without you). If it happens, you are the responsible for any trouble.
    Ask Rental Milan before having as guests relatives and friends, it must be always within the max nr. of guests allowed in the apartment.
  5. NO PETS.


The Main 3 general rules

  1. No Fire in the apartment:
  • no incenses, no lighters, candles only in special occasions (like a romantic dinner ;))
  1. Respect (consider the apartment as your home), some examples:
  • furniture: don’t put over the table hot cups/pots, don’t scratch them, use the cutting board…
  • equipment: wash linen and towels with the right washing machine settings (30-40°C, max 800 for spin drain) and the right liquid soap (soap is “detersivo per lavatrice” and softner is “ammorbidente”), don’t use bleach (“candeggina”), to start it Avvio/Stop. Never close the door totally after using it, to avoid humidity and mould. In the dishwasher use only liquid soap “detersivo per lavastoviglie.
  • utilities: don’t use steel cutlery in the pans but wooden/plastic ones…
  • appliances: use with care the TV and the other electric devices…
  • neighbors: no noise (mainly from 9 pm to 9 am), no party, say “buongiorno” and “buonasera” to the doorman and the neighbors…
  • owner/planet: save energy (turn off the lights and the AC when you go out, in the winter max temperature is 19°C, don’t keep open the windows when heating or AC are working).
  1. No Changes, some examples:
  • don’t move the furniture, don’t apply anything on the walls with nails, neither with tape etc.


3 Other rules

  1. Shower/bath/kitchen
    If there is a window, open it after having a shower/bath for at least 30 minutes, to prevent excess of humidity. If no window, the exhaust fan should work during all the shower time. Possibly remove your hair from the drain to prevent an obstruction. Don’t throw anything in the wc, neither in the sinks (oil, food…).
  2. Cleaning service
    Before the cleaner’s arrival, put all your clothes and belongings in the closets/drawers, so she can clean properly.
  3. House keys
    Take care of them; in case of loss, to change a lock it’s € 120-320, in addition to the expense to copy the keys; if you damage/brake a key, it can be € 20-80.


🪛“Tricks” about your apartment maintenance and useful tips about your daily life in Milan

✅  Please see some other useful information about your “daily life” in Milan and  Rental Milan Terms & Conditions

✅   Your arrival or departure is approaching? Please see the Check-in & Check-out procedures 

Ottavia Tagliavini

Hello, I’m Ottavia Tagliavini, your local personal assistant, the manager of this website since 2007 and the owner of the apartment called Otty. How can I help you?

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